
Swiftphone Buyer Journey

Branding Client Web

Swiftphone Buyer Journey

Buyer journeys are complicated. A buyer journey that includes recurring fees, one time installation fees and additional charges calls for some serious UX. The portal had to walk a user through selection of packages, buying, renting or res-using devices, onboarding users, porting numbers, assigning multiple shipping addresses and finally checkout which could be done by the user or sent to a boss/procurement manager to sign the dotted line so to speak and click buy!

All of this had to be simple to avoid user confusion, frustration and ultimately flow abandonment. It doesn’t help the client if the solution causes more problems. Working withe the client team, we learned all these requirements and set to work on creating a walkthrough user journey that helped the end user clearly understand the process with small but strategic tasks, conversational content, a step tracker so the user new where they were in the journey, and strong cart design to clearly present pricing on the screen during the flow.


The common competitor flow got users through purchasing quickly so that the provider had the credit card and payment as quick as possible and then left all the hard stuff until later. This client had a very different model. Because the pricing depended on specific user inputs like number of users, how devices were to be procured, multiple shipping addresses and third party approval, all of these details had to be input upfront. The task was to create a seamless, clear experience that would allow users to understand each of these very complicated features and come out with user happiness after purchase.

  • Date

    March 26, 2017

  • Skills

    Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Axure, Invision

  • Client
